Robert E. Dempski
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Neuroscience Program
Interactive Media and Game Development Program
BS, Bucknell University (1997)
PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2003)
Postdoc, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics (2009)
Rob has been a leading entity in bringing inclusive mixed reality tools to WPI’s educational mission as well as to external stakeholders to improve workforce development outcomes and visibility. We have developed a full-service, immersive technology group that can build and customize programs to fit your needs. Highlights of these efforts include creation of an efficacious HoloLens-based augmented reality program for safety training as well as development of a mixed reality program to improve spatial visualization of 3-D structures on smartphones.
This transformative approach is a fun, cost-effective and readily scalable method to educate and change people. With a team of highly talented game developers, videographers, and programmers, we are adept at creating transformative experiences to address your needs. Projects within the Intentional Design Studio include mobile, PC, online, console, hand-held, casual, and social programs, connecting augmented and virtual worlds with our surroundings.
We offer quantitative assessment tools to validate the effectiveness of these programs and can teach you to maintain these programs, thus ensuring sustainability of your investment.
- A fast, simple student generated Augmented Reality approach for protein visualization in the classroom and home study. Arguello, J. and Dempski, R.E. J. Chemical Education. (2020) 97 (8) 2327-2331.
- Increasing enthusiasm and enhancing learning for biochemistry-laboratory safety with an Augmented-Reality Program. Zhu, B., Feng, M., Kesselman, J. Harrison, L., and Dempski, R.E. Journal of Chemical Education. (2018) 95, 1747-1754.